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Members "Shop" for Fabrics

Thanks to several very large donations of fabric, 37 members of Firehouse Quilts were able to enjoy another "shopping" day on May 24th. Many boxes and tubs of fabrics were sorted on May 4th according to colors, sizes, and themes in preparation for the "shopping" day. On the big day, the fabric was put out in two garages where the members of FHQ could go through it in preparation to make quilts to be donated in the future. It was great to see large backs, favorite colors, fat quarters, panels, and batting disappear. It's estimated that more than half of the huge supply left that day. This "shopping" day originated during the pandemic as a way to gather safely outside in order to get new fabrics to the members. Thank you to Alice, Barbara C, Barbara M, Bonnie, Cathy, Christie, Jacque, Karen, Lynn, Mary, and Sara for making this day possible.


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Firehouse Quilts is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit recognized by the IRS.

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