In early December, Barbara C. made a delivery to the Women's Bean Project (WBP) of baby caps and receiving blankets. This is the beginning of a new relationship and FHQ is delighted to have this new partnership. Our timing was perfect as one of the ladies in the WBP program had just had a baby the day before. Luanne (director of development) and Kedri (director of program operations) were on hand to accept this delivery.
There are currently 26 women in the program, which lasts usually 6-9 months. Their mission is to change women's lives by providing stepping stones to self sufficiency through social enterprise.
As we make our next delivery in January, we will learn more about this program. WBP products (a variety of dried bean soups, cornbread and cookie mixes) can be found at King Soopers, Safeway and Whole Foods.