June 22nd turned out to be a very hot day to be outdoors collecting quilts. Despite that, there were 41 members who turned in 276 quilts. In addition to the quilts, there were also 22 crocheted hats, two crocheted blankets, and six BACA bags turned in. As a result of this collection day, there have now been a total of 982 quilts turned in during 2021. This is remarkable since Firehouse Quilts has been working around the Covid 19 virus by holding all collections outdoors. Each quilt was photographed, bagged and taken to the storage unit for future deliveries. A big thanks goes out to the 17 volunteers who worked to make this day a success.
View the slide show of quilts collected here or cut and paste this link into your browser https://www.dropbox.com/s/rtwkcz10vxk38g8/Quilt%20Collection%20-%2006-22-2021%20-%20Final.mp4?dl=0
