Sean M lost his mother in late 2021 after a short illness. His mother, Shirley, was an avid quilter and had a large stash of fabrics, kits, charm packs, jelly rolls, and tops. Sean contacted Firehouse Quilts in order to make a generous donation of her cherished quilting supplies. The fabrics and kits have helped the members of FHQ to make beautiful quilts for children/patients in crisis since early 2022.
Sean inquired about seven tops that his Mother was not able to finish before her death, wanting to know if FHQ could help him with that project. Seven members generously offered their time and talent to finish the seven quilts, and on June 25th Sean was thrilled to receive them. He is thankful to the women who made it possible for him to have these beautiful reminders of his Mom and he will pass them on to his future family. A big thanks goes to Cathy, Karen, Lynn, Jayne, Candy, Joyce and Jacque for getting these quilts finished for Sean.
