On November 20th, Sara delivered 80 quilts to Barbara, a counselor at ChildSafe in Fort Collins. They provide treatment for childhood abuse through counseling and compassion to enable victims to survive and thrive in their journey to recovery. In 2021, ChildSafe provided the highest number of clinical hours in their 30 year history. Carol, the Executive Director of ChildSafe advised that the FHQ quilts are displayed in their reception area for their young clients to select once they begin treatment. Some clients take 30 minutes to pick out just the right quilt, then there is celebratory hugging of the quilt, and finally joyful hugs of the quilt all the way to the car.
Knowing that Firehouse Quilts can bring comfort and joy to so many warms our hearts and we are pleased to have donated 242 quilts to them in 2021.
